
Friday, October 28

Have a spooky birthday!

My hubby has the fun of having a birthday smack dab on Halloween.  It takes some real juggling on mommy's part to make sure his special day is celebrated to the fullest and to make sure the kids get a normal Halloween fun time experience too.  Needless to say Nov 1st comes with a much needed scheduled nap each year!!  LOL. Here is a layout I just finished for this week's Paper Hoarders DT project (include a Halloween shape) of my hubby celebrating his birthday with the fam and the kids enjoying getting to wear their costumes to dinner.

It's another 8 1/2 x 11 and involved a whole lotta improvising on the embellies.  I dug deep for some of the pieces and have decided I am definitely running low on Halloween goodies.  I made the pumpkin out of oval punches after giving up on finding one on my Cricut carts, only to find one...oh, about 2 seconds after I'd glued it down.  DOH!

Thursday, October 13

I ♥ Him

Hi all!  Bet you'd thought I fell off the planet!!  Things have been mucho busy at the Skinner casa lately.  The baby (well we technically can't call her a toddler I suppose since she refuses to toddle!!!) still isn't walking at nearly 21 months and the doctors have started running us ragged in the search of why and a fix.  They still think it's likely a case of WON'T and not CAN'T, but I decided it was time to be a little more proactive now.  If it's stubborness then physical therapy won't get in the way of her doing it when she's ready and if it's a developmental delay, then it can only help.  I'm still crafting at least once a week, but just haven't been online enough to catch up on blogging.  Now that we have gotten into the swing of the changes to our schedule, things are calming down.  :) :)

I won't leave you without SOMETHING crafty to show, so here is the latest project for my DT post at Paper Hoarders.  The challenge is to create something for Sweetest Day.  Team 1 (cards, altered projects, etc) had their go with the challenge last week and Team 2 (LOs) show their stuff this week.  If you'd like details or to see the rest of the projects just click on over to our fearless leader, Tanya's blog (the post should be live sometime Friday).  I used the Echo Park-Life is Good line :) :)