
Friday, February 24

Let's Stay Together

Well, it's official.  We've been in the new house 3 weeks now and we are all unpacked.  FINALLY!!!  It probably would have gone a lot smoother had 'real life' been able to be placed on hold, but such is life, right??  :)  I just wanted to pop in really quickly and share my latest DT project for Paper Hoarders.  The project was to make a love themed layout NOT using traditional lovey-dovey colors like pink, red, silver.  Which will work perfectly for a picture of my hubby and I at our anniversary dinner this weekend.  He hates it when I scrap him in pink!  Bwahahahaha!!!

Thursday, February 9

Our Lucky Charm

I was super excited when I was asked back to the Paper Hoarders design team.  I just loved the inspiration from the awesome themes chosen for us.  As some of you know, this past month we have spent packing, moving, and unpacking.  We've officially been in the new house for a week and a half and have only my scrap room left to unpack.  As you can tell, *I* wasn't in charge of prioritizing the unpacking order HAHAHA!  I was worried I wouldn't make it in under the deadline because as of yesterday my scrappy space was still a pile of boxes.  I got in there though and with the help of my 12 yr old, dug out the goodies to make this 'LUCK' project!  The envelope at the top left of the photo, houses some hidden journaling where we each wrote our favorite memory of her first year.  :)  Catch up with all of you soon.  :)