
About Me

I am a 34 year old wife and mommy of three adorable kiddos. They are my loves, so of course they end up the subject of most of my rants, photos and scrapbooking layouts.
See what did I tell you....cuuuuute! ;)

I started scrapbooking in 2000 just after the birth of my oldest.  My style has seen a lot of changes and resembles nothing of the patterned paper littered with over cropped photos and stickers I rocked 14+ years ago.  It's been a long battle between what my skill set allowed me to create and what I envisioned as a beautiful finished product.  That's why I love blogdom...there are so many amazing designers that share their gift with world and inspire me to try new things that kick my layouts up a notch.  That's probably also why I love pinterest...which is basically just online hoarding of all the ideas I label as "MUST TRY!"

I spent much of my life in sunny South Florida, but find myself currently smack dab in the middle of the Kansas.  It's actually where I was born so we are super close to extended family, but it's no day at the beach for sure.  But when the fella you love gets a job that he's never been happier at in follow your heart, right?!  I still visit the shore often so I get the best of both worlds really!!!

Crafting is my ME time.  Breaking away from my full time job as a gourmet chef, maid, nurse, chauffeur, Girl Scout troop leader, referee, and miracle maker (in other words I'm a full time momma) I find my paper therapy!  I have recently started exploring digi scrapping, card making and lots of fun with gift projects, but I always come home to creating layouts.  I love the story I can tell with the photos of the people who make my life complete.

If you ever have any questions or requests or even ideas feel free to email me below, my inbox is open :)  Just to the top right of this page are links to track me down all over the interwebs.  You click over to my YouTube channel to see my tutorials.  My TwoPeas online gallery is a quick way to see just my favorite creations.  You can find me on twitter (I would love to have you if you wanted to 'follow' me) or even look me up on facebook.  Lastly...but oh definitely not the pinterest link to be transported to over 5000 and counting pins neatly categorized (did I mention in this bio I'm slightly OCD? lol) by craft type and interest.  Mainly paper crafting, but you'll also find boards for photography, parenting, holiday fun, home maintenance/decor, fitness, food and hilarity!!  Click follow all or just pick and choose your favs.  I pin regularly...yes that translates to I have the android app and I ain't afraid to use it LOL.

*just replace the words in the parenthesis with their keyboard symbols*